Like yesterday when Yuki and I walked to Sligo Creek Park...
See, lately I've been walking around with thoughts of Australia bouncing around like kangaroos in my brain, and this day was no different. Although this time the thoughts were more like a koala hugging my brain, so warm and soft and comforting. (I won't even venture to say what was on Yuki's brain, though my best guess is not much) and anyway, I found this:
And a few moments later, an older English gentleman walked by us and noticed me noticing the beautiful dogwood blossoms and also noticed the camera I was holding. He walked by us at first, making a passing comment on the loveliness of the tree, but showed back up about 7 seconds later with a smile and an idea! "Ok, look I want you to stand behind the dogwood and I will take a picture of you looking at it," he said with confidence. "Alright, cool. Are you a photographer?" "No, just creative," he replied quite matter of fact-like. He directed me to his liking, took the picture, handed the camera back to me, and quickly walked away. I could barely get a word of thanks in, but I smiled as I watched him walking away, smiling, the sun illuminating the top of his head like a halo...
I'm so thankful to be living in this world, where beautiful fortunes lie waiting to be found, where strangers lend a creative hand and a smiling face, where I find myself wondering on a fine spring day, "Is heaven really this near?"